Callander & District Horticultural Society”CADHS”

Garden Competitions 

Take Part…

To enter any of the CADHS Garden Competitions, please complete the form below and submit by 24th July, 2024. (Please see other page for Community Council Best Kept Garden Competition).

All classes of the competition are restricted to the Callander Community Council geographical area which can be checked by clicking here.

We require a telephone number so that we can advise the date of judging which is likely to take place end of July/beginning of August depending on weather.

Last year we took some photographs of all the gardens entered in the competitions and later displayed the images on the website. Name labels are only given to gardens/exhibits which are placed. Please confirm on the form that you are happy fo have your garden/exhibit photographed.

If you would like the Society to keep in touch regarding future events please check the relevant box below, otherwise all your details will be deleted post competition.